As a reminder Angie & Michelle are not therapists, but simply are having the discussions of loss in many forms. If anything is triggered by listening to an episode, please reach out to the appropriate channels regarding the specific discussion. Our main goal is to have an open discussion regarding loss to light however that looks for so many in our community.
Episode 7 is showcasing our guest Carrie England. She has been been sober and drug free since 1999! That in itself is something I want to hear about! Carrie takes on the journey of how her addiction affected her life and shares the tragic story of her beloved dad to suicide. Carrie gives us simple, but loving tips on how to cope through the many challenges life presents to us. She has loved and she continues to share love & pure joy to all she meets. We are so glad she gave us the time to be on our podcast and share her story of Loss to Light.
If you know of someone going through addiction, have them listen to this podcast and see if anything resonates with them. Listen how she shares what being honest looks like and working through the pain; sharing that there's nothing a drink will fix and it will just delay the pain.